This essay is all about freedom of the press and promiscuous reading. I used seventeenth-century works Areopagitica by John Milton […]
Discussion Paper: Has religion been a gateway for the oppression of women?
Like obviously yes. Not sure what was so open about this question. I actually learned a lot while doing this […]
The Myth of the Afterlife in Plato’s Phaedo
Great Thinkers & Writers is a Great Books course I took for maybe two months before dropping it literally a […]
Question Portfolio
Intro to Religious Studies feels like a fever dream. I am glad that I had some friends taking the course […]
Renaissance Pastoral Poetry
This is one of the first essays I wrote during my university degree. Honestly, a lot of the essays I […]
Immunity Gone Bad
Immunity Gone Bad was another Survivor themed essay I had to write. This one was not argumentative however, but rather a newspaper article format. This was actually super tricky for me to do since I am usually a lengthy writer but this assignment had to be short and concise but still straight to the point. Short paragraphs were also weird and new to me at this stage.
Degrading Others for Self-Validation
Degrading Others for Self-Validation is a essay and presentation I did for this class. I believe it was based off an article I had to read. This was definitely not one of my favorites, mainly because it was an oral presentation; but also because I always found my writing here kinda dull.
The Astonishing Color of After
The Astonishing Color of After is a novel I read the summer of 2018 and throughly enjoyed. In this essay, I had to create an argument, and prove that argument with passages, as to why The Astonishing Color of After is an insightful read. This was my first english-written argumentative essay on a work of fiction.