Montréal, Québec

This June, I spent three weeks living in Montreal at Julia and Thomas’ apartment. I was initialing coming to the city for Congress 2024, of which I was representing the CEDAR project and was to come and observe the ways of academic conferencing; however, it soon became a recreational trip as well and a trip leading up to my bigger trip (of whose flight departed from Montreal).

It was a very fun time to reconnect with my sister and also learn about city life. The first few days, I totally hated it. Predominantly because of the noise and smells. Cars never stop driving all day and night so the apartment was loud. Also of course all the cigarettes, which I hate the smell of but have not become used to (after this adventure and also after being in Europe for just about a month).

It eventually got really fun, I loved rewatching Heartland with Julia on the daybed, it’s such a cozy calm show and always makes me want to open a ranch in the Rockies. It’s my little comfort show. Julia and I ate strawberries and pineapple dipped in chocolate and binged the hell out of season one and two with promises to continue upon my return to Canada.

Eats were amazing. Julia has become a real chef. And it was nice using the market and public transportation. I also had to work while there, so I brought my iMac and got set up in Julia’s living room. I actually got quite a bit for work done, which is crazy since it was probably forty degrees in that apartment at times and we were always going from one place to another.

Something else we did while I was there was take these Navette Nature shuttles to nearby(ish) National Parks and nature reserves. Each will get their own post, but this was a very inexpensive and efficient way to get out into nature as we didn’t have a car. I don’t think I would have felt the same about this trip if we didn’t include those weekends on lakes and in the forest. It was such a nice refuge from the noise and smog that felt at times like a weight on my chest. I wish I could love the city life as much as my sister, but I love falling asleep to the sound of crickets in my open window so much more.

Looking back, I wish I did a little more museum visiting. I’m sure there are some good ones in the city. However, if a museum were to interfere with my nature outings, I would have declined. Kayaking in Mauricie is unparalleled.

Here are some of the many photos from this trip:

Thanks to mister dude and dudette for letting me hang around their place for three weeks. We should do this again sometime:).